Beta Group Terms of Use
Your participation in this course is purely for your own enrichment. Enrolling in this course does not constitute an agreement for payment in exchange for feedback, compensation in any form including but not limited to coupon codes that will work for other courses, etc. The coupon code given to you as part of your agreement to participate in the course in exchange for feedback to the course creator, is yours and yours alone. The code is not to be sold, shared, exchanged, etc. The code provided to you will work once and once only at the time of your enrollment.

You have 30 days to enter your coupon code from the date of your receipt of the code via your provided email. If you cannot access the email you provided when you indicated interest in joining the beta group, the course creator is in no way responsible for emailing you an additional coupon code via a secondary email.

As a beta user, you will have 90 days to complete the course from your date of enrollment. Paid users will have unlimited time to complete the course from their enrollment date. However, it is noted that each course has a LIVE session window where the Instructor will be participating with the course in session. After the 90 days of the active course enrollment, she will be inactive and all coursework will be completed as self study.

Any recording, copying, uploading, or usage of any course material including text, videos, and other resources is strictly prohibited and legal action will be pursued to enforce intellectual property rights.