Course curriculum

    1. Masterclass Intro!

    2. The Red Bottoms & Rose Quartz Manifesto

    3. My Story and Path

    1. Intro to the Masculine and Feminine Energy Balance Spectrum

    2. The Hyper Inner Feminine and Suppressed Inner Masculine Woman

    3. The Suppressed Inner Feminine and Hyper Inner Masculine Woman

    4. The Balanced Inner Feminine and Balanced Inner Masculine Woman

    1. Intro to the Full Spectrum

    2. What is YOUR Current Place On the Spectrum?

    3. Over Expressed Masculine / Suppressed Feminine Women Part 1

    4. Over Expressed Masculine / Suppressed Feminine Women Part 2

    5. Over Expressed Feminine / Suppressed Masculine Women Part 1

    6. Over Expressed Feminine / Suppressed Masculine Women Part 2

    7. The Balanced Feminine/Masculine Woman Part 1

    8. The Balanced Feminine/Masculine Woman Part 2

    1. You Attract What You Are, NOT What You Want

    2. Who The Hyper Masculine Unbalanced Woman Attracts

    3. Who The Hyper Feminine Unbalanced Woman Attracts

    4. Who Balanced Masculine/Feminine Woman Attracts

    1. Intro

    2. Step 1: Heal your own inner imbalance.

    3. Step 2: Heal & Reprogram unhealthy societal norms & beliefs.

    4. Step 3: Replace your societal norms & belief with healthy, divine ones!

    1. Intro

    2. Karmic Connections

    3. Soul Mates

    4. Twin Flames

About this course

  • $255.00
  • 27 lessons
  • 7.5 hours of video content